Thursday, June 10, 2010

Athletic Achievements- 2010-2011

All-SEC Preseason Selection

Brother Chris Marve (Spring 2009) was recently named to Phil Steele's All-SEC Preseason 2nd Team. He was also named one of the captains of the Vanderbilt Football Team. The Nu Rho chapter continues to achieve in every field of human endeavor, including the football field!

For more information check this link:

Fraternity Achievements 2010-2011

Kappa Alpha Psi Undergraduate Leadership Institute

Brothers Nate Marshall and Jeremy Williams (Spring 2009) are 2010 Kappa Fellows for the Fraternity's Undergraduate Leadership Institute. The brothers took part in an intensive week-long institute in Cincinnati, OH sponsored by the Fraternity and GE. They were 2 of only 47 undergraduate brothers to receive this prestigious honor nationwide. Nu Rho is proud that its brothers have been recognized as being a part of the forefront of leadership in this Noble Klan.

South Central Province Board of Directors

Brother Jeremy Williams (Spring 2009) was recently appointed to the South Central Province's Board of Directors. Bro. Williams will serve for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year as an Undergraduate Board Member. Nu Rho is proud to see its impact in the Fraternity reach beyond Vanderbilt's campus and throughout the region!